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CHILDREN: Premier League Primary Stars!

>> CHILD 1: This is called Crocodile Snappers.

>> CHILD 2: And we are learning to improve our balance.

>> CHILD 3: And I got better at balancing.

>> FEMALE COACH: This activity has a crocodile theme and focuses on static balance independently before working together as a team. The activity focuses on body control and core stability. It progresses into a fun challenge at the end. Pupils will learn to demonstrate controlled static balance and work with a partner to improve balance and stability skills. You will need one bean bag per pupil.

>> MALE COACH: Calling it Crocodile Snappers, it you know, inspires your imagination, you can work on that core stability in them muscles, really standing them in good stead going forward.

>> FEMALE COACH: You're going to turn into crocodiles. First of all, pass the bean bag from one side over to your other side. And you need your back as straight as possible, make as tall as possible, okay? You need your head up 'cause that's going to help you balance too. And you need to suck your tummy in as tight as you can. Get a bean bag and find a space to sit down and do that, please. This time, you're going to try and lift your legs up. Now you're gonna balance from side to side like this. You are to try one and then put your feet down. Now can you pass it over to the other side? Fantastic. Can you put it onto the floor? Brilliant. Well done. Keep that head up. You're going to pick it up with your feet and shuffle your bottom around, okay? Your feet are the crocodile's mouths.

>> CHILD 4: Faster, faster. Turn to the side.

>> FEMALE COACH: Two, one. Two, one. In a line. Can you get in line with the rest of the number ones? I'm gonna pass the bean bag down the line, okay?
I'm going to pick it up with my feet, pass it down the line, okay? All right. And the next person's gonna pass it over like a relay race. Heads up, tummies in, and go. Here we go. Brilliant. Heads up. Suck those tummies in. Fantastic.


>> FEMALE COACH: I think these are clear winners. During Crocodile Snappers, which was the easiest position to pass the bean bag?

>> CHILD 5: Your feet on the floor.

>> FEMALE COACH: Why was that easier?

>> CHILD 5: Because you get more balance.

>> FEMALE COACH 2: My favourite activity today was probably crocodile snappers. I think it's quite easy for a teacher, who wasn't feeling very confident in delivering a PE lesson, to understand, it's really simple. They can put their own little bit of a spin on it and the children really enjoyed it.


>> CHILDREN: - Be... - Inspiring.
- Be... - Ambitious.
- Be... - Connected.
- Be... - Fair.