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>> CHILDREN: Premier League Primary Stars!

>> CHILD 1: This activity is called Dress the Football Fan.

>> CHILD 2: We've been learning to aim.

>> CHILD 3: And throw at targets.

>> CHILD 4: Now I'm really good at throwing.

>> MALE COACH: This is a skill development activity based on the idea of dressing up a football fan. It improves the childrens' throwing skills, aiming at a stationary target. Pupils will learn to aim and send a variety of equipment to reach a target, aim and reach a variety of targets into, onto, and at,
demonstrate underarm throwing when aiming at targets. You will need sheets of paper, bean bags, quoits, and balls. This activity is called Dress the Fan. When you go to the football game in the winter, what might you need to wear to keep warm? Warm boots. Gloves.

>> CHILD: A hat.

>> MALE COACH: A hat, of course. I'm going to try and give our fan a hat. Get the bean bag, remembering one foot in front of the other, eyes on the target. Oh, very close. Now I'm going to run as quickly as I can to back of the line and the next person can go. Go. The next person don't go until they're back. Good shot, so if you go to the back in line.


>> MALE COACH: One foot in front of the other. Good technique, Louis. Underarm, one foot in front of the other. I've moved the cones back. I want you to show me how accurate your throwing is. Go.


Keep an eye on your team mate, are they throwing it correctly using the right technique. One foot in front of the other, Franky, back in the line. Louis, remember, if you're throwing with this hand, that leg in front. Show me. That's it. And to the back of the line. Good try, Louis. Well done. One foot in front of the other. Well done, Blake. That was better. Eyes on the target. Hands up so I can see your team are all back and lined up. We're going to make the game a little bit more challenging. At the end, we're going to count up which team got the most nearest the feet. Go.


>> MALE COACH: Give the red team a round of applause. Well done, red team. How did I make the game harder, more challenging, what did I do?

>> CHILD 5: You moved the cones back and you made it so we had to run.

>> MALE COACH: Keeping the eyes on the target, one foot in front of the other, over the session, really improved their accuracy.

>> CHILDREN: - Be... - Inspiring.
- Be... - Ambitious.
- Be... - Connected.
- Be... - Fair.