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Film: Newcastle and Emma and Anna

Audio described with transcript


>> DAWN: My name is Dawn Holman and I have 4 children.

Two of which are twins, 8 year old girls, Anna and Emma Holman.

Emma was the first born on the 26th February.

And Anna was born on the 27th February

So even though they are twins, they have different birthdays which is quite special.

Emma has a quiet confidence about her, she's always had it.

She knows who she is and that's lovely to see.

Anna not so much, she's a little bit more reserved but she's definitely more of a risk taker.

So if there is something you shouldn't be doing, that is what Anna will do.

So we aren't a sporting family, at all.

And the girls have probably picked up on that from us that we are not sporty and they used to cry at PE.

But then that started to change.

They got the Premier League Primary Stars coaches came in to school.

And they seemed to sort of have a new lease of life for sport

They were joining in more, there was no tears.

They started to say that PE was their favourite lesson and that seemed to get progressively better, so PE was never an issue any more, they loved it.

And then out of the blue, I got a phone call from the school to say that they had been selected to attend the Foundation 1892 Cup for Newcastle United.

Once we got there, the girls had to go into the changing rooms and they were given the full Newcastle United strip, they were given the t-shirts, the shorts, the socks, the coat.

Weather-wise, it rained from morning til night, the whole day, they were soaked through.

But it didn't stop them, didn't dampen their spirits at all, they were getting in amongst it, and I couldn't quite believe it, I didn't know where they got it from.

I'd never seen it before in my life!

Afterward they got to meet Rafa, which was quite a big deal.

When we got back from the day, we were just sat talking and they were saying how much they had loved it and they wanted to do more.

We got in touch with a team in Blythe and asked them if they could attend.

At the beginning they would kick the ball and it would be quite lightly.

Now, they seem to just grow and change as soon as they are on the pitch, it's really nice to see.


>> EMMA: My name is Emma

She is Anna and she is [inaudible] at school

>> ANNA:  [Inaudible] have ball

[Inaudible] [Children talking and ball bouncing]

>> ANNA: 'Cause we're a team, with you.

>> DAWN: So now, I'm officially a football parent.

I go to training, every week.

What they've learned so far, it's affected all aspects of their life, so even in school, in the classroom it's learnt them to obviously be more confident, and it's definitely learnt them to be a little bit more resilient.

Which is a good life lesson to have.

I'm just so proud of them, and I just love them, and I couldn't be any more proud as any mother is.

The next thing we know I'll be learning and the baby will be learning, we'll all be playing football.