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Film: St Mary Abbots School

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>> KAY: Hello there, I’m Kay Burley reporting for Sky News. We have an important Sky News exclusive. We head now to Studio One at Sky Academy Skill Studios

>>ALEXANDER: Good morning, welcome to Sky news. My name’s Alexander

>>DARIA: And my name is Daria and here are today’s headlines.

>>ALEXANDER: There has been a crime committed by Oscar and he is currently on the run.


News just in, he’s in the area

>>DARIA: Manchester United wins the Premier League much to Tottenham’s disappointment.

>>ALEXANDER: Puppy breaks into house using Cat Flap. Cats are now out for revenge.

>>DARIA: Now on to more pressing issues of Ocean rescue. But what are we trying to rescue the ocean from?

>>ALEXANDER: Plastic. As it stands, if we do not put a stop to plastic now by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish

>>CHILD 1: Plastics in the ocean kill more than a million seabirds every year and more than 100,000 marine mammals such as whales and dolphins.

>>CHILD 2: Eighty per cent of the plastic pollution in the ocean comes from us on land. This shows us that what we do matters.

>>CHILD 3: Plastic bottles are the third worst plastic polluter of the ocean and more than 13 billion single-use plastic bottles are sold in Britain each year.

>>FEMALE VOICEOVER: Alexander and Amen of St Mary Abbot’s School are helping to save the oceans. How are you saving more oceans?

>>DARIA: St Mary Abbot’s primary school in Kensington have shown an amazing effort to reduce their plastic.

>>ALEXANDER: All types of stationery was recycled across a three-month period and thousands were collected and given to a recycling charity – Terracycle

>>DARIA: The children at the school said they felt happy and excited about actively doing something that protects our oceans.

>>ALEXANDER: Stay watching, as coming up in the report, we have a plastic expert and the owner of the recycling plant who will be giving us their opinion on the subject.

>>DARIA: That’s all from us here. Now over to Albe and Ricarla reporting live from London.



>>RICARLA: Thank you Alexander and Daria. Hi I’m Ricarla

>>ALBE: And I’m Albe

>>RICARLA: And today we are talking about plastic and how it harms the ocean.

>>ALBE: And how you and your school can help us.

>>CHILD 1: Plastic bottles are the third worst plastic polluter of the ocean.

>>CHILD 2: And more than 13 billion single-use plastic bottles are sold in Britain each year.

>>CHILD 1: Scientists believe that because of plastic are eaten by fish and other marine life that we eat.

>>CHILD 2: Europeans currently consume up to 11,000 pieces of plastic in their food each year.

>>CHILD 1: Ultimately we are eating the plastic we dump in the sea.

>>RICARLA: One school in particular has receive a lot of praise for their efforts recycling.

>>ALBE: That’s right, St Mary Abbott’s in the last six months have undertaken a project to recycle pens.

>>RICARLA: This is mainly because students have discovered that they were throwing up to six pens away a week.

>>ALBE: And by throwing them away there was high possibilities that these pens would eventually end up in the ocean.

>>RICARLA: So the students decided to do something about it.

>>ALBE: They have recycled over 2,000 pens and counting.

>>RICARLA: This is an amazing achievement and we encourage them to keep going.

>>ALBE: But for those of you watching, don’t stand on the sidelines, but get involved.

>>RICARLA: And here’s how you can do it.

>>ALBE: Replace plastic bags, cups, straws and packaging.

>>RICARLA: Always use reusable plastic and use your recycling bins.

>>ALBE: And there are so many other ways to help the environment.

>>RICARLA: Choose one and make a difference.

>>ALBE: That’s all from us.

>>RICARLA: Now over to Max for more on this.

>>ALBE: Over to you Max.


>>MAX: Thank you Morrisee and Albe. Hello. My name is Max reporting live from a Californian beach. I am here to continue the discussion on Ocean rescue and how we can work together to reduce this issue. But first, let’s head over to Nicolo for more on this issue.

>>NICOLO: Plastics consistently makes up to sixty to ninety per cent of all marine debris studied. For wildlife such as fish, dolphins, seabirds and seals it can be deadly as they can become entangled or mistake it for food. We can responsibly enjoy the benefits of plastic while also properly disposing or recycling used plastics.

>>MAX: With me is pledge winner from St Mary Abbott’s school – Innes and Marine Biologist Annabelle. So Annabel how is plastic affecting marine life?

>>ANNABELLE: Plastic is found everywhere in the ocean from its surface to its greatest depth. The plastic in our seas are very unhealthy to our marine life because it not only traps them it can also kill them too. We are also in danger of being contaminated by the plastic as we eat the seafoods.

>>MAX: And Innes you have developed an idea to help tackle this issue. What is this?

>>INNES: So the aim for us was to recycle plastic stationery and see what things could be recreated from them. We recycled over 100 pens which were sent to a company called Terracycle who have recycled and reused the plastic we sent them.

>>MAX: That’s brilliant. Many congratulations. Unfortunately we have run out of time. Let’s head over to Ellie and Shana interviewing experts. Goodbye.


>>CHILD 1: Over at St Mary Abbott’s school we have been working on saving the ocean by recycling pens.

>>CHILD 2: We have been doing it since 2018 and managed to recycle one and a half boxes of pens.

>>ELLIE: Thank you Max. Welcome back to Sky News. My name is Ellie.

>>SHANA: And my name is Shana and we are still talking about plastic being thrown into the ocean and what we can do to stop it.

>>ELLIE: Right now we are here joined with the owner of the recycling company called The Blue Ocean. We have Alex.

>>SHANA: And we are also joined by a plastic expert from Oxford University. We have Professor Iman. Iman can I ask you, why is it important to save the ocean from plastic?

>> IMAN: It’s important because when you throw plastic into the ocean the fish eat the plastic and that then goes into our system when we eat the fish. It also harms the sea animals and its destroying their natural habitat.

>>ELLIE: Now why Alex, did you decide that recycling was such a big deal when you started your company.

>>ALEX: Recycling is important to me because I feel as though we don’t need to waste everything we use. We need to save the Earth for the next generation.

>>SHANA: We have heard that St Mary Abbott’s school has had a pledge for how they can help the ocean. Can you tell us more about?

>>ALEX: Well, that school has been recycling plastic. The children do not use single use plastic in their classroom and especially pens. They recycle pens. The moment the pens run out of ink they put them in special recycling boxes and they can be recycled rather than being thrown away.

>>ELLIE: Iman, can you see any solutions to this stopping plastic pollution in the ocean?

>> IMAN: Well, if we work hard and put in the effort to educate the young generation then we can stop it.

>>SHANA: That’s all we have time for. Thank you for joining us and Goodbye.


>>KAY: Thanks to the team at Sky Academy Skill Studios. That’s the end of our special report. I’m Kay Burley. Thank you for watching.