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>> CHILDREN: Premier League Primary Stars!

>> CHILD 1: This activity is called Rainforest Rumble.

>> CHILD 2: We've been learning to balance.

>> CHILD 3: And control our body.

>> CHILD 4: And we like making shapes.

>> FEMALE COACH: Rainforest Rumble is a fun activity that uses music to help the children develop their dynamic and static balance skills. They need to use their listening skills to follow instructions to balance and travel. Pupils will learn to demonstrate controlled static balance and demonstrate controlled dynamic balance. You will need throw down floor markers or chalk marks and more than one per pupil. Rainforest Rumble. We're going to travel and leap and jump between different spots. As soon as the music stops, you're going to stop on the nearest one and I am going to tell you a letter, you need to make that letter with your body. What would you do for the letter X? You've got the X factor.


>> FEMALE COACH: Okay. Are we ready?




>> FEMALE COACH: Between the spots, like lily pads, like a frog.


>> FEMALE COACH: Do the letter M. One, two, go.


>> FEMALE COACH: Letter I. One, two, three.


[*A, B, C, D, E...*]

>> FEMALE COACH: Can you do the letter C?


[*I, J, K, L, M...*]

>> FEMALE COACH: Okay, letter O with a partner, as big and wide as you can get it. Stretch.


[*R, S,...*]

>> FEMALE COACH: Letter H. As tall as you can reach, can you get as tall as me? Arm out. This time, when the music stops, you have to get into a group of four people. Okay, get four people and make the word star.

>> CHILD 4: I'll be the T.

>> FEMALE COACH: Oh, we've got a star here. S-T-A-R. Brilliant.

>> FEMALE COACH: During Rainforest Rumble, how could you make your jumps between the markers more accurate?

>> CHILD 5: Looking at the marker and deciding how much power you need.

>> MALE COACH: Rainforest Rumble for me was really good. It's great to see the kids respond to the music. I think that really worked really well.

>> CHILDREN: - Be... - Inspiring.
- Be... - Ambitious.
- Be... - Connected.
- Be... - Fair.