What you need to know
- There are 12 simple activities which you can do together, or children can do by themselves – these are outlined below.
- The list includes six outdoor challenges and six indoor challenges.
- The challenges can be marked as complete on a poster which you can download.
- You can download the list of challenges as a PDF below.
The challenges
By following any of the activities detailed in the challenge, users acknowledge and understand that there are dangers and risks associated with the activities described. Users also agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Premier League, its employees, agents, officers, from and against any and all liability incurred as a result of or in any manner related to participation in the activities.
Outdoor challenges
1. Sitting volleyball
You’ll need a level space for this and somewhere to make a line along the ground. You’ll also need a ball and at least two players.
- Mark out your court by using four markers. You could use anything you like for this such as hats or shoes.
- For the net make a line along the ground. You could use string, scarves or anything that can be placed on the ground in a line.
- Divide the players into two teams and take turns to serve by hitting the ball across the net to the other team.
- Two serves are allowed and these can be underarm, overarm, or throwing the ball into play.
- Players must stay seated throughout the game.
- If a team misses the court or lets the ball hit the ground in their court then the other team gets a point: first team to 10 wins.
- Alternatively, you could play the game indoors with a balloon.
2. Keepy-uppy challenge
This is a good team game where everyone stands in a circle and tries to keep a ball, or balloon for younger children, in the air using football skills.
- All stand in a circle and try to keep the ball or balloon in the air.
- Only two touches are allowed at a time.
- Players can use foot, head, knee, shoulder.
- Can you keep it in the air for 5, 10, 20 touches?
3. Paper chase
Here’s a fun challenge which only needs a little preparation time. You will need about 3-4 sheets of paper and a pen.
- Cut the paper into about 40 equal-sized strips
- Write a number between 1 and 10 on each strip and draw a football on one.
- An adult hides the folded pieces of paper around a garden or a safe outdoor space with clear boundaries.
- Children search for the pieces of paper.
- There are two winners: the first to find numbers which add up to exactly 20 and the person who finds the football picture.
4. Photo challenge
This is a search puzzle activity which provides a fun double challenge. You’ll need scissors, a smartphone or a camera and a laptop/computer/tablet.
- Using scissors, cut out the five Premier League Primary Stars characters on the downloadable sheet provided.
- Place each one carefully outside then take a photo from a few metres back so that the figure can just be seen among plants, furniture or another backdrop.
- Do this in a different location for each one.
- Show the photos on a screen or TV for your quiz: who can spot the hidden character first?
- Then, why not go outside and find the characters in real life!
5. Go far
Premier League footballers are very fit and run 10km on average during a match. Why not be ambitious and see how far you can go without giving up by trying to climb a hill or attempt a long walk?
- Use a map or web search to find a local hill over 200m high, or plan a 5km walk. You could even try walking a kilometre for every year of your age.
- Be prepared for the weather: hats and good shoes are advisable.
- You could take a drink and fruit or a picnic to have at the end of your walk.
6. Treasure hunt
You’ll need a football and some paper and a pen to set up this exciting hunt for hidden things.
- Hide the ball somewhere in the garden or a safe place.
- On a small piece of paper, write a clue to help your child find the ball. For example, if it’s hidden behind a tree, the clue might say, ‘Look where there’s something tall and woody.’
- Write a series of five numbered clues like this and give your child Clue 1. Clue 1 will lead to clue 2 which will lead to clue 3 and so on. Clue 5 leads to the ball, which is the ‘treasure’.
- Make a list of where each numbered clue is hidden, in case you forget!
- When complete, encourage your child to create their own treasure hunt in the same way.
Indoor challenges
7. Star quiz
This is your chance to find out some amazing football facts!. The idea is to each make a short 5-questions quiz about football, then answer each other’s questions. You’ll need paper and pens.
- Each person starts by doing some research online or using books. ‘Did you know?’ facts can be found on the club pages of the Premier League Primary Stars site: https://plprimarystars.com/clubs
- The aim is to write 5 simple questions each (not too hard!) with answers.
- The quiz could cover teams, players, mascots, grounds, managers, nicknames etc.
- Each person reads their questions and the others do each quiz, writing down the answers.
- The winner is whoever gets the highest total score.
8. Premier League puppet show
Here’s a simple way to create a puppet show with a football theme. You’ll need scissors, paper, pens and sticky tape.
- To make simple stick puppets children can cut out the Premier League Premier Stars characters provided on the downloadable sheet, or create their own, and colour them in.
- Children can attach them to sticks (made from tightly rolled paper) using sticky tape.
- The puppets will work best if they are glued onto card, but this is not essential.
- Children then create a mini-play with a football (or another theme) and perform behind a sofa.
9. A game of choice
Here is a simple way to have some fun making some choices connected with football. You’ll need paper and pens.
- Write down some ‘choose pairs’, for example, United or City? Half-time snack: apple or orange? Lose 4-3 or lose 1-0? Kane or Salah? Arsenal or Chelsea? Overhead kick or bullet header? Win 3-0 or 5-4? Left-winger or Goalkeeper?
- Try your list out on someone, asking them to explain their choices.
- Adults can have a turn too!
10. Break for lunch
Make a delicious Premier League lunch together. You’ll need the items listed on the recipe card provided (which comes from one of our great Premier League Primary Stars resource packs for schools).
- Learn together about footballers’ diets using the sample Premier League nutrition plan.
- Make lunch, working together, by following the recipe card provided or following your own recipe.
- Add your own twist or design your own footballer’s diet. Why not make a recipe book with all your ideas?
11. Team acrostics
Here’s a chance to have a little wordplay fun together as a family. You’ll need pens and paper.
- Each write down the name of your favourite Premier League team, with the letters arranged vertically, like this:
- Use the letters of your team to describe them:
- Make your team acrostics as wacky as you like:
Pies with
Unbelievable amounts of
12. Global game
Footballers from over 100 different nations have played in the Premier League. Here’s your chance to learn some words from just a few of the many languages spoken by the players.
- Share with a friend/family member and see how good you are at saying these.
- See if you can learn a few of them.
- Can you think of any other phrases you might need to know?