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Challenge 4: Character drawing challenge

Author and illustrator Cressida Cowell introduces the Character Drawing Challenge.

Character drawing challenge

As author and illustrator of the How To Train Your Dragon books, who better than Cressida Cowell to come back and introduce our week 4 family challenge?


We want your family to draw your favourite character from the book you read together for in the 5-a-side Reading Challenge. Pick your favourite character from your favourite book, or pick a new book and read it together now. You can find more activities and information about the challenge in the 5-a-side Reading Challenge pack.

Grab your pens and paper and get drawing!  Use your imagination and be as creative as possible, then share a photo of your illustration with us on Twitter at @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars, or email us at


We have provided a drawing template as part of the Five-a-side reading Challenge pack but feel free to use any paper, card or any other materials you have at home.