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Film: The 12 Times Table with Chirpy Cockerel

Audio described with transcript




[OVER DISCO MUSIC] >> SINGER: Okay everybody.

Time to learn your 12 times table,

and here he is: Chirpy Cockerel!

His name is Chirpy Cockerel,

he's going to help you be,

a master of your 12 times table,

yeah, you're going to see,

his name is Chirpy Cockerel,

flip flop right to the beat.

This is your 12 times table,

it's super duper sweet.


[CHORUS] Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table here we go.


>> SINGER: 0 x 12 = 0,

1 x 12 = 12,

2 x 12 = 24,

do the morning call,




>> SINGER: 3 x 12 = 36,

4 x 12 = 48,

Chirpy do a barn dance,

that's super duper, mate!

5 x 12 = 60

6 x 12 = 72,

do the rooster shuffle,


[SINGERS ALL TOGETHER] cock-a-doodle-do!


>> SINGER: 7 x 12 = 84,

8 x 12 = 96,

we're strutting round the farm,

picking up our sticks,

9 x 12 = 108,

10 x 12 = 120,

what are you doing, Chirpy,

you're waking everybody!

11 x 12 = 132,


12 x 12 = 144,

and that's all.


[CHORUS] Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

the 12 times table, here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table, here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table, here we go,

Chirpy, Chirpy, what do you know,

12 times table, here we go.


>> SINGER: Zero,

12, 24,

36, 48,

60, 72,

84, 96,

108, 120,


and 144!

And that's all!

Zero, 12, 24,

36, 48, 60,

72, 84, 96,

108, 120, 132...

and 144!

So what's 9 x 12?




Can you say what it is?




That's 108, 108, the answer's 108!

9 x 12 = 108

So what's 6 x 12?




Can you say what it is?




That's 72, 72, the answer's 72!

6 x 12 = 72




>> SINGER: Reeeeeewind!

12 x 12 = 144,




11 x 12 = 132,


10 x 12 = 120,

9 x 12 = 108,

8 x 12 = 96,

picking up our sticks,

7 x 12 = 84,

6 x 12 = 72,

do the rooster shuffle,


[SINGERS ALL TOGETHER] cock-a-doodle-do!


5 x 12 = 60,

4 x 12 = 48,

Chirpy do the barn dance,

super duper, mate!

3 x 12 = 36,

2 x 12 = 24,

everybody do it,

do the morning call!




1 x 12 = 12,

0 x 12 = 0,

now we're at the end,

you're a 12 times table hero.