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Sample pack

This pack contains just a handful of the wide range of resources all available for FREE on Premier League Primary Stars. Inside you'll find activities, games and videos. Register for free to access the full range of resources and start using them with your class today.

What resources are in this pack?

How long does it take to deliver this pack?

clock A guideline duration is provided for each pack

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are provided for each pack so it is absolutely clear what pupils will be able to do following completion of the pack.

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Sample skill development: Fill the kit-bag

'Fill the kitbag' is a fun challenge in which pupils get to work on accurate aiming and throwing skills. First they develop their aiming skills individually, then they apply those skills as a team, in a group challenge.

This is a sample activity from the following pack: 'Target games - An introduction'.


Sample game: The Mars maze

A second game that gives pupils a chance to practise their travelling skills. This time, though, they need a greater awareness of what others are up to on the same playing area!

This is a sample activity from the following pack: 'Agility - Travelling'.


Sample cool down: Monkey chatter

Teams of 'monkeys' gather around a hoop, talking about what they've learned and how they might be able to improve their balance. Then the monkeys share their ideas with the rest of the troupe.

This is a sample activity from the following pack: 'Balance - Static and dynamic'.