We would like your family to show us the numbers you encounter every day.
Numbers can be found everywhere in football – from match results to player shirt numbers and more. For this week’s challenge, we want you to go on a number hunt and make a note of all the numbers you see or use in a day.
TV and radio presenter Lauren Layfield is here to explain more about what we’d like your family to do this week:
Using our Number timeline worksheet, you can record where, when and which numbers you see as you go about your day. There are two timelines for you to try - for older children, download the higher level worksheet and draw your number-related activities next to the correct time. Feel free to get creative by decorating it with pictures or even make it into a collage.
Share your timelines with us on Twitter @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars or email us at PLPrimaryStars@premierleague.com for a chance to feature in our community story as Star of the Week.