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See what's new in the Premier League Primary Stars community

By Premier League Primary Stars · Mon 11 January 2021

We love being able to share what families and schools have been up to. Take part in the 2021 Weekly challenges for the chance to have your work displayed. 

Here is our Star of the Week for the Team talk challenge (24 February 2021)

For our Team talk challenge, we asked you to become a team captain and write an encouraging talk to motivate your team. Our Star of the Week is Francesca who wrote this great motivational talk - fantastic work! 


Here is our week 7 Star of the Week (16 February 2021)

Amelia has written a beautiful poem as part of our Stay Connected Poetry Challenge for her friend Eve, who lives all the way over in Seattle! Well done Amelia!

My poem for Eve (My best, best, best, best friend)

Oh Eve oh Eve it’s been way too long,
This lock down has forced our separation to prolong,
I am in London and you in Seattle,
Getting there has been a real battle,
In my heart it just feels so wrong,
Can’t wait for the prime minister to release us with the strike of a gong.

We are so different and yet such good buddies,
Together we are two Energiser bunnies,
Hard to believe we are sisters from different mummies.
I miss seeing you, you are generous, you are kind,
You are so funny in my mind,
I’m lucky because these friendships are really hard to find.

Thinking of you every single day,
Makes my heart melt away,
So I wait for that day when we can once again play,
We are best of friends in every single way and every single day.
For now we wait until that special date, for sure it will be worth the wait.

When we go to the beach I have so much fun,
My heart never stops, it just continues to run.
If it’s playing on an ipad or jumping on a trampoline,
I have so much fun, you know what I mean,
We are soul sisters and we have always been.

Our friendship is like a water stream,
It flows and flows, and will never run out of steam,
It’s locked, never to be broken,
Only kind words can be spoken.
One day soon I will see you again, for now we don’t know when.

Just because we are an ocean and continent away,
Doesn’t mean our bond will decay.
Not even the five thousand miles that separates us,
Can cause harm or create a fuss.
Today and everyday we will always have true friendship in every way,
So I write this poem to cheer you up and to see a smile on display.


Here is our Star of the Week for the Internet Detectives challenge (9 February 2021)

Lincoln used our footballing hero template to research his favourite footballer, Cristiano Ronaldo, as part of our Internet Detectives Challenge. Fantastic work Lincoln! 

Here is our Star of the Week for the Character building challenge (29 January 2021)

Izzy, age 9 drew a character named Elly - well done! At the beginning of the story, Ella felt bored and frustrated because she couldn't see her friends and wished she had siblings. At the end of the story, lockdown was over and Elly felt happy because she could see her friends again. 

Here are our Stars of the Week for our My daily routine challenge (27 January 2021)

Nathan - shared a video with us talking about his daily routine - great football skills, Nathan! 

Tomas - walking his dog as part of his daily routine. After finishing school he likes to help his Mum with cooking and chat to his parents about his day. 

Here is our Star of the Week for our Spread Kindness challenge (20 January 2021)

For our Spread Kindness Challenge, we asked you to draw pictures to show us all the kind things you were planning to do throughout the week. Our Star of the Week was Axel, who sent us this fantastic picture - great work Axel! Some of Axel's acts of kindness included; making a quiz for someone, walking someone's dog and video calling someone. 

Here is our Star of the Week from the Stay connected poetry challenge (13 January 2021)

We asked you to write a poem for somebody you haven't been able to see to make them smile. Our Star of the Week was Georgie for writing this beautiful poem for her best friend Harry - Well done Georgie!

Smiles are Invincible by Georgie (Year 5)

Flames are burning in our eyes.
I the tiger you the leopard.
Together we will fight through this.
Not using strength or wisdom, not even words.                   
We will use smiles.

If we use smiles, we can outsmart our challenges.
Not just the challenges now, but in the future too.
For smiles are a lifelong weapon.                   
While our heart will beat, our legs will run.
Our eyes will dart and our breath is shallow.
We will just smile.

All our problems will have gone.
The scarlet worms that crawl through our body.
The moody teenager who no longer smiles.
And the homework that waits to be completed.                   
Gone, out of the stained-glass window.
For I the tiger you the leopard                   
Wait for the light to shine again.
And when it does, we will be ready with our smiles.

The rainbow has shined causing multi coloured light
to cast across the world.
I the tiger you the leopard have been lit again.
with flickering light as we travel across the path
of life.

We gaze up and lock our eyes onto a shooting star.
causing the whole world to smile once more.
Remember, clouds always move, darkness always moves.
So, the sun will always shine and we will always



During the summer term 2020, we launched our first set of Weekly challenges. These challenges were very popular with families and schools. Go to the 2020 Weekly challenge Stars page to see some of the wonderful work submitted by the Premier League Primary Stars community.