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Challenge 7: My Inspiration Drawing Challenge

We would like you to draw a picture of someone who inspires you.

My Inspiration drawing challenge

We asked families to #GetInTouch and write a letter or make a call to an older relative, friend or neighbour who might be isolated at the moment. Now we would like your family to draw a picture of someone who inspires you and #GetinTouch again with the same person, or someone new. 

Your inspiration might be an NHS or key worker, a veteran, a family member or a football player.

Whoever it is, simply download the #GetInTouch worksheet or grab some pencils and paper and get creative. 

Don’t forget to share a picture of your drawing on Twitter via @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars and #GetInTouch or email, before posting it to the person you got in touch with in last week’s challenge. If you didn’t send a letter there’s no need to worry, you can still choose somebody to send your picture to and brighten their day!

By sharing your picture, you could be our Star of the Week, be in our community story or be featured on

While we want children and young people to use their initiative and to be creative with their communication, it is important they follow social distancing guidelines and stay safe.