What does it mean to be an ally?
Use this short presentation to introduce pupils to the concepts of allyship, why it is important and how they can be an ally.
The Premier League is committed to ending racism in football and wider society. Use this pack to teach pupils about the importance of allyship and what it means to be an ally. Play the film to hear from professional football players who celebrate cultural diversity in the game.
Pupils will learn that we can all play our part in helping to challenge racism and supporting others. Together we can make our communities fairer and make everyone feel welcome.
You can Tweet us @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars and #NoRoomForRacism. We would love to see how you are getting on!
Use this short presentation to introduce pupils to the concepts of allyship, why it is important and how they can be an ally.
Watch Premier League and Women's Super League football players discuss diversity and the importance of allyship in football.
Complete the starter worksheet to describe what an ally is like (adjectives) and what an ally might do (verbs). There are two versions of this worksheet.
Pupils use this worksheet to create their own allyship acrostic poem. Pupils think about what the term allyship means to them and how they would like to be treated and supported by others.