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- KS2/Ages 7-11
- Upper KS2/Ages 9-11
- Maths
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Pupils can apply their maths knowledge to real-life football industry problems.
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7 resources - 7 activities
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filtered by Maths
Pupils can apply their maths knowledge to real-life football industry problems.
Use real data and stats from the Premier League season to engage pupils and support their learning.
Use real data and stats from the Premier League season to engage pupils in Maths.
Use real data and stats from the Premier League season and engage children in maths at home.
Work together as a family to find the answers to our football puzzles.
Think about all the numbers that you encounter your day.
Bitesize maths puzzles supported by Panini and Bobby Seagull.
Active learning resources that use Premier League player statistics to help pupils develop key maths skills.
Resources to get your pupils moving while building maths skills.
In this pack pupils build mental maths skills by solving multiplication problems.
Maths activities using fun football data.
Children will practise calculating with units of time.