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Lion's lair


Lion's lair

Communication, Working together

In this pack, pupils learn about the key elements of effective communication and persuasive language and their relevance in real life.

What resources are in this pack?

How long does it take to deliver this pack?

clock 90 minutes

Learning outcomes

Pupils will be able to:

  • plan, script and deliver an effective piece of persuasion in the form of a sales pitch
  • work collaboratively
  • identify and effectively use the language and features of persuasion
  • understand the impact of effective marketing
  • confidently participate in and evaluate the effectiveness of a persuasive presentation
  • use the language and features of persuasion.

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Film: The language of marketing

This film follows a journalist and explains what is involved in this job and how important language and communication skills are.


Starter activity: Media marvels

Pupils are introduced to the area of marketing and puplicity. They explore promotional trailers and a film to unpick persuasive techniques.