Home and School - My Daily Routine Challenge
Make healthy choices and create your own daily routine.
Make healthy choices and create your own daily routine.
We'd like you to create your own daily routine which is healthy for your mind and body, using our challenge template. Now, more than ever, it's important that we reflect on our daily routines and try to find ways to be healthy and stay positive.
Once you've filled in the template, don't forget to share your routines with us @PLCommunities using #PLPrimaryStars and #WeAreOneTeam or email them to us PLPrimaryStars@premierleague.com.
This is part of our series of weekly challenges for 2021.
Pupils will learn
England: PSHE (Key Stage 1 and 2)
Health and Wellbeing
Wales: Health and Well-being (Progression Steps 1, 2 and 3)
View and download individual resources