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Sensory circuits: PE for pupils with SEN/D


Sensory circuits: PE for pupils with SEN/D

KS1/Foundation, KS2
Agility, Coordination, Balance and stability, Values, Teamwork, Ball skills, Health and wellbeing

This resource pack is designed to help teachers deliver a lesson where pupils create their own sensory circuit either in small teams, individually or with a teaching assistant. The pack is designed to be used with pupils who have SEN/D and focuses on physical, cognitive and emotional skills.

Before teaching this pack it is recommended that teachers read the supporting documents, which includes a short term plan and general guidance for teaching PE to pupils with SEN/D.

Most of the activities in this pack have been differentiated to suit either Key Stage 1 or Key Stage 2 pupils.

Learning outcomes

Pupils will learn:

  • how taking part in a sensory circuit can help improve mood and prepare you for learning.

Pupils will be able to:

  • explain that a sensory circuit has three parts
  • define the three parts of a Premier League Primary Stars sensory circuit
  • make a Premier League Primary Stars sensory circuit as a team or individually
  • lead others through a Premier League Primary Stars sensory circuit (KS2 only).

Sensory circuit - teacher presentation

In this lesson, pupils learn what a Premier League Primary Stars sensory circuit is and make their own. Use this presentation to support with the delivery of the lesson.

There are two versions of this presentation.


Activity card set

The cards have been designed using the principles of structure and visual communication. Pupils can use the cards to understand the activities in a visual way. The cards can be used with the planning worksheet.

There are two versions of the activity card set.


Planning worksheet

Pupils plan their sensory circuit using the planning worksheet and the activity card set. Pupils can use the completed example for additional support.


Sensory circuit visual timetable

Visual timetables can support learners to focus and concentrate. The sensory circuit visual timetable in this pack supports pupils with sensory needs by giving a visual structure of the lesson to come.


Supporting documents

The general guidance for teaching PE to pupils with SEN/D should be read before teaching this lesson to pupils with SEN/D. Use the completed Short Term Plan for extra support. We have also provided a blank Short Term Plan to enable flexibility.